Tuesday, March 10, 2009

when will it all end!!!!

Ok, so again I am going to complain about the stupid winter weather that does not want to go away!

This past weekend, it was B E A U T I F U L!!!! It was sunny, warm, almost 60... what more could any one person want or ask for??? WELL... let me tell you. I would ask for that when monday rolls around, there not be 30 degree weather and 6 inches of heavy snow to wake up to! That's what I would ask for.

So after that wonderful weekend, we are back to typical crappy New England March weather... 30's sunny and snow on the ground... once again!

Grrrrrr! I need warmth... I need the sun shining on my skin.... I need the beach and sand and warm waters of the ocean... oh wait. We don't have warm ocean water up here! Damn it.. Well 2 out of three ain't that bad!

So this is my bitch post for today.
Sorry, I had to let it out. I'm tired of winter.

so there.

Thank you...


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