I bet you thought I had just disappeared off the face of the blog-o-sphere didn'tcha??? Nope, I just fail big time at getting online and being productive. I have been so exhausted lately... I think not being able to get a full night's sleep has something to do with that. ALSO my stupid seasonal allergies are starting up and they have me totally drained all the time now.
But enough about that!
Not too much going on lately, the weather still sucks in Massachusetts, seeing as that for over a week it hasn't gotten above 30ish! But today its an acceptable 51 degrees... I'll take it!
I finally had to break down and buy maternity clothes! I wore my last pair of black non-maternity pants last week, and the baby spent the afternoon in kicking protest of being squished by my waistband, so I did a little online shopping... to the tune of a couple hundred dollars! OUCH!!! The bright side is that I should have my box of clothes waiting for me on my door step today when I get home from work. I have tried to put off buying clothes because its ridiculously expensive, especially when you consider I will only be wearing it for the next 4 months and then I'll have to give it away or sell it. BUT, my belly has finally popped and I can no longer "hide" my pregnant tummy in my normal clothes, and the fact that baby has taken to protesting to being squished, so I gave in. I'll post pics tomorrow of my bounty.
Sooooo, its been awhile, let me see... we took the kids to Boston two weeks ago, the first really nice day we had in what seems to be forever... it was nice. We walked around Boston Commons, stopped in at the frog pond- which is currently converted into a skating rink, all in all it was nice.

Isabel and Tyler enjoying stretching their legs on the playground at the frog pond...
Isabel kicking back with the frogs...

right before I snapped this, Tyler and Isabel got into a HUGE argment and shoving match over who was geting their picture taken first sitting on this frog!
I absolutely love this pic... they are standing on the exhaust vent for the frog pond/ice skating rink warming their hands from the chill of having just walked in the shage for a few minutes... I love that Isabel looks like such a rock star with my glasses on!
OOOH I finally feel the baby moving around most the day! I love it! I hate the first few months of being pregnant because you just don't feel pregnant... unless you are dying with morning sickness. But since I have only been lucky enough to be EXHUASTED all the time, I feel fat and lazy... especially since I can't fit into my clothes and I really haven't looked pregnant up until last week. BUT now my belly is showing, and the baby is just dancing around in there... I'm loving it. I like to think its the fact that I have "La Tropicana" on all day (colombian radio station that plays salsa ALL day) I'm going to infuse the latin into my child... hee hee hee (insert evil laugh).
We have our second ultrasound on friday April 3rd! I'm so excited to get to see the baby again, and the best part is that this will be a family affair. Both Isabel and Tyler will be coming and so will my hubby! This will be his first time seeing the baby and he is tres excited!
I'll post pics of that when we get to it! I also scheduled my 3D ultrasound, but that's not until May... so you will just have to wait to hear more then!
Ok, I think I've rambled enough today...
1 comment:
Glad you're back! How close are you to Boston? I want to go. And I want to see a belly pic!
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